About Melea J. Brock

Melea J. Brock will say (with a wink!) that she tells stories for the “kid” inside everyone. Melea’s training in social work and student affairs (Azusa Pacific University), coupled with a background in theater, have provided her with a special kind of insight into the human condition and ability to communicate through oral storytelling. Melea’s stories, whether hers or an ancient folktale or true life-story, are brought to life with believable characterization and the well-trained narrative skills of a seasoned artist.

Melea’s proving ground for her story skills began in a college setting when she began writing stories to communicate difficult truths to the college students with whom she worked during the early 1980’s. It wasn’t long before her storytelling was taking her into churches, organizations, conferences, boardrooms, backyards, and the sides of beds across the United States and into Canada. Her work has been produced into audio and book form and has been featured in numerous magazines. The release of her newest book and audio CD entitled, “Step Inside… Where Stories Come to Life,” has received favorable reviews from adults, children, and what Melea calls the professional storytellers—hospice caregivers, mommies and daddies, grandparents, teachers, pastors, and counselors. “Their use of my stories is the reason I keep writing them!”

A push forward in life for Melea has been her miraculous healing from a stroke in April of 2015 and recent recovery from Open Heart Surgery in 2022. “I’m still standing…yeah, yeah, yeah,” she’ll tell you with a smile. The publishing of “The Green Velvet Christmas Dress” at the end of 2019 (amidst Covid) has shown itself to be a great success (with a second printing planned in 2024). This further launched a pilot GVCD 8-week Bible Study, and a second theater piece – “The Green Velvet Christmas Dress in 5 Monologues” which will premiere in Southern California, December 2023. Melea’s newest theater adventure is the creation of an evergreen character – Margaret Louise Gray – librarian & researcher by profession, but also funny, quirky, and a kindness-matters-kind-of-person. Her *experiential theater exploits with audiences will begin fall of 2023. Melea lives in Southern California with her husband, young adult daughter, & ornery senior corgi.

Watch Melea's Healing Journey Story

Venues For Melea's Storytelling

Melea is known for her stories of faith and brings a unique moment to worship services and Sunday evening services. She has also been a special speaker for women’s banquets and teas, retreats, and inter-generational gatherings. She often participates in adult worship services and Sunday school all within the same Sunday morning format.

Melea is often in educational settings, from elementary to university/college level. These settings include assemblies, chapels, teacher and staff in-service, PTA, Family Nights, or an individualized literature emphasis such as a unit on storytelling or creative writing, developed for the grade-level or college course.

Melea is great at bringing an encouraging word through storytelling. Melea will tell you that “Stories point out how very similar we are to one another.” Staff development gatherings, company parties, and holiday celebrations have been a part of her work over the years.

Melea has been teaching storytelling for almost as long as she has been storytelling. You cannot take the teacher out of the storyteller. Melea will tell you “We’re all storytellers. Some of us are just a little more practiced than others.” Her teaching has been done in conference format with an hour to an hour and a half to the more languid stretch of her very own unique “Storydays” which are eight-hour workshops, complete with meals, snacks, resources, and relationship. One happy participant noted, “Melea’s Storyday was exceptional. Her humor, practical teaching approach, encouraging words, and unique use of partners left me feeling charged up and ready to tell my story.”

Melea is available for family and women’s retreats. In retreat settings, through teaching and small group discussion, Melea will guide your group into the power of telling your own stories. “I love the retreat setting for my work as we can delve deeply into the richness of our own stories (and other authors) and search for their meaning within our lives, all within the setting of an accepting and loving community.”

Churches and schools are often venues for Melea’s concert work. In fact, she will tell you that her favorite audience is “…everyone in the same room. Something tremendously powerful happens when all of us, of every age, gather up for a storytelling moment.”

Kind words From People Just Like You

“Everybody has a story. The trick is to find out how our story fits into God’s story. This is the single most important thing we can do in our Christian journey. Melea Brock, with the poignancy and reality of her “right-side-up” stories, helps me to do just that.”

John Wells

Maranatha High School Teacher & Worship Arts Mentor

“The first time I heard Melea tell a story I was so deeply moved that I made a silent vow to introduce her and her stories to as many people as I could. As you read this, my confidence is that you’re just one story away from making a similar vow…enjoy!”

Jim Girdlestone

Professor at The King’s Seminary, DocCulture.com

“I’ve heard Melea tell many stories in various settings… she is a superb author and storyteller… Melea’s stories speak to the enjoyment of a child and the depth of an adult. I can’t wait until her next Storynight concert to learn more about the latest of one of my favorite characters, Ralph Twigger”

Jim Eagleson

Former Educational Psychologist, San Gabriel USD

“As a teacher, I have enjoyed sharing Melea’s books and stories with my students. Her soothing, steady speech and diverse range of character voices are both entertaining and engaging. Her stories provide an excellent opportunity to delve into the deeper meaning and dynamics of a good story.”

Jill Spate

Homeschool Mom, Educator in Language Arts|Grammar & Theater Arts

“I’m a nurse, a mother, and a friend who loves a good story. That’s why I can highly recommend Melea’s stories. Not only have we listened to her stories as a family, time and again, but we have given her stories as gifts to friends and patients alike. They are like giving a cup of hope, a ray of sunshine, and a good laugh all in one package!”

Renee Herman

Nurse, Parker, CO

“Melea has this way of taking words and weaving God-honoring principles and moral values into timeless stories. She has a special gift of using her voice to create images and sounds that make her stories seen almost magical!”

Jeanne Wurm

a former Home School Mom |parent of 3 beautiful young adult women

“This was great! I really do feel like I visited someone’s home tonight. I feel like I’m being hugged when I listen to Melea tell stories.”

“Words are inadequate to express how much your stories touched my life. It was an oasis in the desert of life for me.”

Anonymous Audience Members

Kind words from Melea's Mentor

Dr. Jack Hayford – the founding pastor of The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California (1969-1999). Dr. Hayford was also founder and chancellor of The King’s University in Southlake, Texas. For Melea – he was a great storyteller and encourager-mentor.

Certifications and Associations

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