Melea J. Brock

Re-Story Theatre

Re-Story Theater’s purpose is to tell the stories that matter–stories that move the heart of God and the hearts of men, women and children through drama.

Permissions Required for Using Melea’s Stories

Did you know Melea will let you tell one of her stories* in a public setting such as a church, a school, a college chapel, a theatrical or dance event, a civic gathering, etc.? She enjoys “lending” her work out. Most authors do…

The only requirement is seeking her permission, giving information about your use and event, and following her guidelines below.

write to her at [email protected] explaining which story and how you would like to use it (date and place).

Please view the accompanied guidelines and frequently asked questions about obtaining performance permissions.

Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions about Performance Permissions.

If you benefit from “telling her story” such as tickets sold for an event, performance fees, donations or an offering is collected for your performance, it makes sense that she should benefit as well.

Many times, Melea waives this at her discretion but all plays are $25 per performance

A.  That the teller uses the story as written – not editing or changing it. If a word or phrasing needs adjusting for cultural reasons, seek Melea’s thoughts on this, first.

B. When performing the story, it must be verbally stated (or written in a program) that it is Melea’s work being performed by you. For example: “Today I am partnering with Melea J. Brock in the telling of her story ‘The King Who Waits’.”  

IMPORTANT: Do NOT make and circulate copies of her stories. Direct people to her website ( Her audio and books are her property and livelihood for continued ministry.

If the prospective performer-teller can assure Melea of how it will be used and protected, and to what purpose, she will likely give written performance rights, collect written permission, and a royalty for use.

Melea’s Stories also includes her recorded work on her audios. There are dancers, movement artists, teachers and pastors that have used Melea’s recorded stories for events, podcasts, and radio moments. 

Melea is thrilled when this happens… Her only request – seek her permission first.


There are stories on Melea’s Folktale CD and Double CD that are stories that belong expressly to other authors.

If this is the case, Melea will tell you this: “I DO NOT have permission to grant use to you for another author’s stories.” 

Additionally, not all of my recorded stories are in my books. For example: Church For The Found (seek Melea about a pursuing a written version of this story).

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