Melea J. Brock

Heading Back to School…and Back to the Classroom!

I said, “Yes.”

Yes, to teaching Drama One to high school people, once again.

I am excited about this.

I am nervous about this.

I am qualified for this.

Are teachers better teachers years later? Yes.


Because of accumulated knowledge and tons of practical experience.

I have never really stopped teaching. I lead workshops, coach and mentor artists, direct and produce shows.

Plus, I have raised a teen and I am raising a teen.

Teenagers no longer bring fear and dread as they once did when I was about 26 and 38 years old.

They bring compassion to my soul. And that compassion makes me want to be a better teacher because they are worth it.



I may have more gray hairs and few more laugh lines, but I can improv my way out of a paper bag and out-imagine most teens and young adults I know. So bring it!

My goals for them: Drop the phone. Make a friend you’d never have outside of this class. Experience learning by doing, rather than facebooking and instagramming it. Dare yourself to play a character outside your age, your choices, your emotions and first instincts and see what happens. I can promise them they will not be the same people in 8 months. I know I won’t be the same because of them.


When was the last time you went backwards to go forwards in your gift, your calling, your passion?

That’s what I am doing. I am brushing off files, pouring through books, preparing lesson plans, a syllabus and curriculum objectives, searching for scenes and monologues, developing lecture notes. And it doesn’t even feel like work!

And I am lovin’ it. I will check in with you later about all this. And I will let you know when my students start performing.

Once I get them going on Improv, they will likely want to join me in a workshop.

Which reminds me, a Fall “Improv a Story” Workshop date will be set very soon!

As always, the story you live out today just might change someone…



A Network for People Who Work in the Field of Storytelling

24-7 Storytelling Station on-line called “A World of Storytelling” .  They kindly feature some of my stories and hundreds of other famous and nearly-famous storytellers from around the world!

Out Now!

The Green Velvet Christmas Dress

A Story of Hope